Sunday, February 21, 2010

Offshore drilling is in the center of the debate for energy independence. Many see this option as a way to lower gas prices for Americans and to reduce our independence on foreign oil. Behind the slogan, "Drill Baby Drill", many conservatives are pushing for the advancement of offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. However, offshore drilling is in no way the right path for America to take if we truly want to be energy independent. In fact more offshore drilling is a step in the exact wrong direction. Offshore drilling is not a good idea because the environmental risks of drilling are too high, resources and funding for energy independence should be spent on other renewable options, and additional offshore drilling is only a short term solution to a long term problem.

-Environmental damages resulting from offshore drilling include oil spills, rig fires and damages to oceanic flora and fauna. It is not a question of if a large spill will occur but when. History shows us that offshore drilling is dangerous to local environments.

-Additional drilling is a step in the wrong directions. True energy independence in the future will include clean, renewable resources such as solar and wind power. By focusing on drilling still we delay our inevitable shift towards renewable energy. Some of this reluctance to shift focus is due to political ties to big oil companies which hinder democratic and progressive change in favor of profits.

-The additional drilling is inefficient and will not affect the US prices of oil or supply for years. This time it would take to produce additional oil should be spent on developing new sources of energy. The amount of oil found in the Gulf is not enough to truly make a difference in our energy resource supply.


Texas A+M Economist

Gulf News Article

Energy Bill- Offshore Drilling Language

Wash Post-Obama Drilling Ban

USA Today Article

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